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Find our sales, tips, and tricks, and what's on Marion's mind right now!

Tips and Tricks
The internet is an excellent resource for crafters and needleworkers! Not only can you get on Ravelry and be part of an international knitting and crochet community with access to hundreds of patterns and ideas, but also many of your favorite yarn lines and magazines have pages on Facebook.
They will keep you updated on the newest happenings. Berroco, Tahki, Knitting Daily (Interweave), and Lion Brand have daily or weekly newsletters you can subscribe to and have new free patterns, and the latest yarns hit your inbox to get your creative juices flowing. Finally, Knitter's Review is another resource if you want the low-down on how many, many yarns actually perform on your needles.
Yarn Search
If you are short of something that you bought from me and we're out at Village Wool too, the chances are that another customer has some extra of the same dye lot you are looking for.
Email me at [email protected], and I will post your search in this space and hope to connect you with someone who can help you finish your project!

Marion's Thoughts
A word to the wise: "Small" "Medium" "Large" etc. size designations in knitting patterns bear almost no relation to ready-to-wear sizes, so when deciding what size to make, please measure a garment that fits and flatters the intended recipient! You measure the width from armpit to armpit and pick the size in the pattern that is the closest to the "finished" bust measurement in the pattern.
And while we're on the subject of sizes, please double-check before you start your gauge swatch that you are sure that you are using the correct needle size.
Many, many yarns that are manufactured overseas only show METRIC sizes on the label. A 10mm needle is NOT the same as a US #10!